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20Jul, 2022

The Economics of Healthcare – Part 5

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Healthcare as the new “Plastics?” Last week, in Part 4, I mentioned healthcare was the new “plastic” recalling the 1967 movie, The Graduate. My family and I arrived from Cuba around the time of that movie. As life would have it, by 1968, my father was working in a plastic manufacturing company in Miami, Florida (one of his two jobs he had at the time). I don’t remember our conversation exactly however, I recall him telling me how he would mix material, heat it, and it created their products. The irony […]

14Jul, 2022

The Economics of Healthcare – Part 4

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In today’s blog, we’re going to dive deeper into the U.S. National Healthcare Expenditures (NHE) for 2021, and will continue through the first half of 2022 in Part 5. I believe you will be surprised at what we see in the data. Also, we will compare this data to the information on the overall U.S. economy. As I write this, the Euro had reach below par with the US Dollar, something we have not seen for over two decades! This was on the heels of the U.S. reporting that Year-Over-Year […]

12Jul, 2022

The Economics of Healthcare – Part 3

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The Economics of Healthcare Revisited July 2022, Part 3 On Friday, July 8, 2022, some big news was headlined on[1], “Payrolls increased 372,000 in June, more than expected, as jobs market defies recession fears.” The fascinating part of this is not just the growth in employment, but also how different it was from the other months that “leisure + hospitality” had the biggest gains.  This time, it was back to the standard that “healthcare + social assistance” lead the growth, though growth in the “Professional” category and in “Leisure […]

7Jul, 2022

The Economics of Healthcare – Part 2

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In Part 1 of our new blog series, The Economics of Healthcare – Recession, we addressed what I see as the macro of healthcare economics, and its several roles in the U.S. economy. In Part 2, I want to respond to some of the issues and questions posed from the previous blog. The Bureau of Economic Analysis will announce when the U.S. has entered or departed a recession, and generally their rule is two consecutive quarters of contractions of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Unfortunately, for those of us with the patience of a […]

5Jul, 2022

The Economics of Healthcare – Part 1

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The Economics of Healthcare Revisited July 2022,  Part 1 : Recession In this new series of our blog, we will address what I see as the macro of healthcare economics and its several roles in the U.S. economy. I will take some liberties every now and then to give you my own perspective on things. It’s hard to deny that we have been in some type of recession, and a recent date from the Atlanta Federal Reserve basically confirmed it. I wanted to write these blogs from the view of […]

29Jun, 2022

How Blockchain is Transforming Technology – Part 3

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BLOCKCHAIN IN THE FUTURE OF HEALTHCARE There is no doubt that the Blockchain revolution is making significant changes in the healthcare industry already. Here are some ways in which it answers the challenges that the industry faced before the technology became so popular: Fragmented & Siloed Data Computer networks aid in accurate patient data through interconnected / interoperable decentralized storage Data can be shared securely across networks and nodes Decentralized source of internet Timely Access to Patient Data The Distributed ledger system facilitates distributed, secure access to patient health data […]

22Jun, 2022

How Blockchain is Transforming Technology – Part 2

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BLOCKCHAINS ROLE IN HEALTHCARE TRANSFORMATION  Blockchain technology has many advantages for healthcare IT because it is based on open-source software, open application programming interfaces (APIs), and off-the-shelf hardware. The architecture for this technology has components that facilitate faster, as well as seamless interoperability between systems when care is exercised in the design of the APIs and data management applications. Other advantages include rapid scalability based on demand, more sustainable and reliable systems which aid in disaster recovery, data encryption and cryptography technologies, and built-in fault tolerance – all perfect ingredients […]

16Jun, 2022

How Blockchain is Transforming Technology – Part 1

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PART 1 – WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY? Although innovation has always been a hallmark of the American business landscape, the one market segment that seems to have effectively resisted innovation and change is the healthcare industry – until now. The need for revolutionary and evolutionary change has finally arrived at healthcare, and the previous sense of hesitancy to change is giving way to a true sense of urgency. The need to maintain the decades of high-quality care, combined with the demand to get the skyrocketing costs under control, leads toward […]

26May, 2022


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THE METAVERSE AND HEALTHCARE – PART 3 APPLYING THE SCIENCE By Carl L. Larsen, President & COO, OXIO Health, Inc. In the first blog of our Metaverse series, we introduced the concept called, “The Metaverse and Healthcare” – an evolution of the internet alternately referred to Web3.0.  Significantly enough, the CEO of Facebook®, Mark Zuckerberg, renamed this multi-billion-dollar company, “Meta.” In Part 2’s blog, titled, “The Underlying Technologies,” we explored the overarching technologies stacks that are needed for The Metaverse to function as it is presently envisioned. If you’re just jumping in […]

9Dec, 2021

The Metaverse and Healthcare – Part 2

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THE METAVERSE AND HEALTHCARE – PART 2, THE UNDERLYING TECHNOLOGIES By Carl L. Larsen, President & COO, OXIO Health, Inc. In our previous blog titled, “The Changing Internet Landscape”, we introduced the concept of The Metaverse and how it is being envisioned. If you recall, the term is the marriage of two words “meta” and “verse” (taken from universe) and is used to imply something transcending the known (internet) universe. In fact, The Metaverse, is a “new domain” or a new “digital reality” that will introduce a completely new ‘culture’ and ‘ideology’, altering, even […]